Late-night Post....
These few months have been brutal.
Actually, it's probably just me trying to find myself back. Trying to learn that this is the real life (which is super tough) I have to deal with. Trying to accept the fact that plan we made will not run as smooth as we desire. Trying to realize that people will change their mind, unexpectedly.
And I don't blame anyone. Well, maybe many people will be blaming me of kinda not being myself anymore. And that's okay.
I've learned that we are not a stone. We have feelings and brain that will not constantly do the same job every single day. We may change. We have to change. Because this is life. We will meet new people, we will know more facts, we will do different routine, we will have new activities, we will feel something in a different way. And somehow all of those things will form us into a new better person-- or maybe worse. But hey, nobody knows what they were doing after all this time, I guess?
And few more months to college life. That's a life stage that I've always want to be in. I really can't wait for my first day at college. I will, of course, meet new people, do completely different routine and I guess it would be so hard to adapt after not attending any formal education for around 1 freaking year. Goodluck for me, lol.
Yeap, I am going to enter UPH in medical course and I am so excited!!!
Will be updating all of my preparation in this blog, and I was wondering if I just make vlogs? After I buy a new camera for me, lol.
But, well, yeah, this is a short post from me tonight.
Goodnight guys.....